Vertical Tees (Side Edge)

Order CodeStock CodeH mmT mmWeight (kg/mt)
50-AOT PG0100850AOTPG501,20,890
70-AOT PG0100870AOTPG701,21,060
75-AOT PG0100875AOTPG751,21,115
80-AOT PG0100880AOTPG801,21,160
100-AOT PG01008100AOTPG1001,21,350
125-AOT PG01008125AOTPG1251,21,615
150-AOT PG01008150AOTPG1501,21,870

* For installation please see montage guide.

* This piece is used as stable front edge for 90° vertical Tee bend.

* H50 mm and H100 mm side rails are always in stock as pre-galvanized or hot dip galvanized as shown on thickness chart.

*Different type of material thicknesses can be produced on request.


L: Length

T: Thickness

W: Width

PG: Pregalvanized

HDG: Hot Dip Galvanized

Material Thickness and Weight Tolerans: ± 10